Spinning at Wool Week

It was a calm and sunny morning, by 10am it had clouded over but stayed a fine day.  5pm and the rain started, meant to get windy later!

It's been another busy day in the museum, but slightly quieter than yesterday.  More setups for various wool week events, and anothet talk on this evening too.  I was hoping to do plenty of walkies this evening with Sammy, unfortunately the rain has put both me and Sammy off.  Off to work in the pub again tonight.

Shetland Wool Week has been a huge success again, well so far :)  Most classes and talks are fully booked, and always amazes how far they travel to come to it.  If they aren't at a class, they pile into the museum and head here to the hub.  Here's local lady Sue Arthur busy spinning on her wheel, while some visitors to the isles are busy knitting, yapping and making new friends.  Taken in the Gadderie, Shetland Museum, Lerwick. 

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