Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

The Top of Trail Ridge

This is the first of four backblips from our trip.  It was a beautiful sunny day so we decided to drive through Rocky Mountain National Park, about 10 miles from our campground.  Trail Ridge Road is the highest paved road in North America.  We drove to the visitor center at the top of the road  (11,796 ft/3595 m) and parked and then climbed the trail to the top.  The sign we are standing near says 12,005 ft above sea level.  This is about 2000 ft above timberline as can be seen on the mountain behind us to the right.  The wind was really blowing up there!  Eddie was freezing because he didn't take my advice and layer up.  I was comfortable in my puffy jacket over a hoodie. ;-)  My extra shows part of another incredible sunset.  I think it looks like a forest fire in the picture.

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