BGNiS - a good conference today looking at supporting health & well-being in schools - being good news in schools. Some excellent input, good venue & great cakes. So what did I learn today? Looking at low income, middle income & high income groups ....

Reading to children ...
Low income - 45% of parents
Medium income - 65% of parents
High income - 78% of parents

Child taken to a library ...
Low income - 24% of parents
Medium income - 38% of parents
High income - 45% of parents

Child taken to museum/library
Low income - 33% of parents
Medium income - 51% of parents
High income - 72% of parents

More than 3 hours of TV per day
Low income - 27% of children
Medium income - 13% of children
High income - 5% of children

Which means a child entering school at 5 has a development age equivalent to ....
Low income - 53.6 months
Medium income - 64.6 months
High income - 69.8 months

Not as equal as we might think. Time for the church to be good news ....

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