Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A little visitor!

We have been thinking of going off for a few days with Archie before I'm incapacitated again with another new knee next month. We searched for dog friendly hotels, and although most of them charge between £10-£20 a night they are not actually dog friendly. The dogs are not allowed to be in the dining room, understandably, but no provision is made for them while you have breakfast, as many are not allowed to be in the bedroom on their own (the car boot is recommended).

And so we looked further afield. Say, somewhere warmish. With no Archie, alas. And so, in a flash of enthusiasm, we booked. Exciting.

This afternoon we met up with Bailey and her mum up the hill. The dogs had a great run around, including a big run when I whistled Archie, though Bailey got lost and went back to her mum. Look at Bailey lovingly gazing at the handsome Archie, who is posing of course...

We went back with them to print out a return label for my errant clippers, which I can drop off at the chemist to be picked up, apparently. Who needs a Post Office.

Bird station news: A wee bird, possibly a sparrow, landed on it for about three seconds. Archie and I were I was very excited!

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