Ellisroger Photos

By Ellisroger


This is a view North along Dovedale. I am not entirely sure of the name of the pointy hill - I think it may be High Wheeldon.

My walking has been going well in the recent fine weather. I reckon I have done 40 miles this week and I seem to be getting faster and stronger up hill. I have also started to be much more selective about which camera I take with me. I have had a few narrow escapes, just avoiding damaging the 5DIII when striding up and down rocky paths or climbing stiles. So I have been taking my 50D instead. Yesterday that acquired a large speck on its sensor, which the local camera shop are removing for me. So today, I travelled lighter with the Leica.

Landscapes are rarely as good with a compact, no viewfinder camera. But here are also some other views of Dovedale, one of the 11th century Pilsbury Castle, one of a donkey, which greeted me warmly and then eye-ored pitifully when I walked away and one of Hartington, where my walk began and ended. The pub where I enjoyed a fabulous, restorative pint of Jennings is just right of centre in this shot.

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