Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Kingston architecture

Luke has had no joy trying to contact O2 ( a mobile phone service provider) to find out when he can expect his pre-ordered phone that was meant to be delivered last Friday, but did not arrive - so I suggested we go to the O2 store at Kingston to see if they could help. I went with him as I thought it would help having scary mother there, as he is sometimes too polite and not demanding enough! The staff could not help other than dial the head office direct from their hotline so Luke could speak to them. He has tried for days to phone them from home but after dialling then number and pushing all the option choices one gets an automatic voice saying 'sorry we cannot help you right now' and they hang up! The long and the short of it is that he managed to cancel his pre-order and after saying they had absolutely no stock available, surprise, surprise, they had a few phones in the store in stock. So he was very happy to come home with the phone he never received on pre-order, but the same model and colour.

Unfortunately all this took so long (we had an hour's wait while the one contract was cancelled before they could invoke the new one) that I missed quite an important appointment with the NI office. However, I managed to get another appointment - due to a cancellation - and it is early tomorrow morning, but in London and not local as the original appointment was. So an early start tomorrow morning....

While Luke was dealing with this I took a few photos around Kingston - I liked the mix of architecture here, from the Tudor style buildings to the modern Bentalls shopping centre.

Last night's dinner was excellent, and Marcus also gave us a signed copy of his new recipe book which was a very thoughtful gesture.

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