Tekkin da Barn

A fairly breezy day, and there's been a threat of mist hanging on the hills.  It has been dry, and warm when the sun popped out in the afternoon. 

Another day in the office and working with more photo orders and also lots of scanning old photos.  It was a fairly quiet day in the museum when I was down.  Plenty of walkies tonight with Sammy, then catchup on telly before heading to work in the pub.

At lunchtime I headed down to the Crofthouse Museum.  The museum boys were there, busy tekkin the barn roof and had repaired the poans.  The poans (dry turf) on underneath and then the tekkit (thatch) on top.  Here's Laurence Smith and Ian Tait tying down the roof with simmens (straw rope) and stones.  Taken at South Voe, Dunrossness.  

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