
Spanish riding school this morning. We had standing tickets only but managed to get there early enough to bagsie a great spot. The horses were amazing. And the setting too. Huge chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

After spending £15 on two coffees and two cakes, we then spent a couple of hours wandering round the flea market. Lots of interesting bits and pieces but like everything in Vienna it was very over priced. Mike found a bike shop and they had the bike in that Mike ordered me but which 'got lost' between warehouse and shop. Wished I'd not seen it as I loved the colour of it. There is still hope it will be tracked down but in the meantime I have the 2017 model on order but in 2017 colours. Mike revealed that my back brake has been dragging which explains why it's been such flaming hard work going uphill. So I have high expectations of the speed I'll be able to do once my new bike arrives!!

We went to an early evening Mozart and Strauss concert. Mike was not keen but i really wanted to do something different to our norm so eventually he gave in. It was absolutely brilliant and not too stuffy. They got a guy up from the audience to play the triangle for one of the pieces after they had all pretended they weren't able to keep time with it. A couple of the pieces also had ballet accompaniments or opera singers so we got a real mix. Despite being in the cheap seats we had an great view of the stage and were sat right behind the pianist. Totally mesmerised and inspired to try and get playing again. Mike enjoyed it too.

We just about made our dinner booking at Wild. Had a lovely meal and the service was great. Then we finished off the day at Prater. Vienna version of the London eye. Struggled a bit with the height and everyone moving about and rocking the car from side to side but did have some great views of the city when I dared to look!!

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