I get Hay fever…Yes I do…It’s apparently a Wheaten thing as the first time I started seriously sneezing The B’s panicked a bit but were reassured by my Vet.
Anyway I don’t think it is related to this stuff but it’s appearance does herald the start of the sneezen season.
REALLY good breaking news.
The Boss, influenced by Granny (acycling) has started playing Pokemon Go. It’s wonderful as I got taken out twice today while he ran his battery flat and got to level 4 so one more and he can battle in one of the 3 gyms that are almost outside in the park. Thank goodness he has an extra battery that up to now has stayed in his camera pak virtually unused.
The walks are a bit confusing as we keep changing direction and going to different places none of them getting me “off lead”.
These Pokey thingies seem to prefer populated places with cellular coverage so that’s another thing he will be watching as he shares with The Bossess who may not understand if she runs out of data while he hatches an egg.
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