Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Pat & Jerry, Trump Supporters, The Brooklyn Diner

"Where do you come from in England? Are you from near where The Beatles came from? We used to love them, they came over here and they played the Shea Stadium, but we were rock and rollers before that and The Beatles killed rock and roll. Before then everyone wanted Elvis but after them no-one wanted him anymore. I love Engelbert Humperdinck he's my number one and The Beatles are number two. Your mum used to like Nat King Cole? He's good, he's played London. We like that Amy Winehouse too she's good, she sang with Tony Bennett. Tom Jones? We like him but Tom Jones charges too much for his tickets.... I'm from Brooklyn but he's from Queens. I know, I still have the accent, over fifty years since I left but I've still got it. Once from Brooklyn, always from Brooklyn. We both worked at AT&T in the 'sixties here in Manhattan, but one day they relocated and said if you want jobs you have to move to New Jersey so that's where we've been ever since. But we still come back to Manhattan, this diner is great but they give you so much food, not many people can eat it all. We're Trump supporters you probably won't want to speak to us now . Okay I'm a Trump supporter, he's not. I think Trump is great, I don't care what people say I think he's a breath of fresh air. When we've finished here we're going over to Trump Tower and I'm gonna volunteer. I want to join the campaign. Now you take care and have a safe journey back home, you hear."

Forgive the artistic licence - it was more of a conversation - but works rather well as Pat's monologue. You seen When Harry Met Sally and they get lots of old couples to tell their stories of meeting and living together? It was a bit like that.

The Brooklyn Diner does the best vegetarian sausages I have ever had, period.

Went to the National Hockey League shop and spent a very entertaining time with Vaz, a sales guy who knew a lot of people and had a lot of patter. Then went to the Museum of Modern Art which was fantastic. A second day of loving beautiful art in a beautiful setting. Then sat in Bryant Park for an hour before heading off to the airport. Read up on Bryant Park it is run as a not for profit and is a great example of how America can do things in line with principles of social value and community collaboration.

JFK T4 was not a a great experience - rude security staff, poor food facilities, rip-off wifi ... they should be ashamed of themselves in this day and age ... but now its time to go home ...

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