Emotional Ends of Eras...

A strange day...started off with a wonderful & encouraging skype with M&M...then immediately afterwards I heard my uncle had died in the night...he was 85, but a very young 85...he was Irish and always starting a sing song at family parties. He always had a cheeky twinkle in his blue eyes. He and my aunt were married for 58 years, so some major adjustments for her as she comes to terms with him passing away... The end of an era...

Then this afternoon we went and had lunch & hung out with Charlie, Abby & Sol...they leave the island first thing tomorrow... They'd given us each a really thoughtful gift and written incredible things to each one of us. These 3 will leave a gaping hole in our life here and we'll miss them a huge amount. The end of our community as we know it...another era over.

Quite the day.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Uncle Vincent & all the fun memories I have of him.
2) M&M being wise wonderments.
3) The Claytons, and the honour of having their last day with them. They were here for the beginning of our Ibiza journey, it's an honour to be here for the end of theirs.

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