Fancy a dip?!

Such a busy day...but in the evening I went to the last Ibiza Rocks gig of the season - sad that's it's come to an end! The Courteeners were headlining - such an amazing atmosphere in the place! I've added them into my extras...just enjoyed this pic of some guy clambering up this frame, hotly pursued by security, and then launching himself into the pool! The security guys here work SO hard! 
Then at the end of the night, the resident DJ announced that it's not over until the fat lady sings, at which point a man in drag came out and sang beautifully - see extras. It was actually quite moving!
Sad to go round the various people saying goodbyes...most are leaving the island but will be back next summer.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) This opportunity this summer - I've seen some brilliant bands, had photos published, and made some lovely friends.
2) Getting a seat on the discobus home at 1am - I was sooooo tired!
3) My father in-law & wife arriving on the island...

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