Memories at Gath

A windy day, but the wind has been warm and plenty of sunshine along with it :)  Well apart from Lerwick, it looked very misty over there and I stayed clear :)

Day off and fully rested :)  I enjoyed a big walk with Sammy after breakfast.  Chores had to be done, and laundry too.  After lunch, I went north for a run with Brian. This evening I've been down at mam's.  I have been looking for her missing wedding ring with the metal detector.  No luck but will try again.  A quiet night with the telly now :)

I had a mission to do north, take a photo of a photo and headed to memory lane at granny and granddad's old house.  Sadly granny Margaret passed away just as I started Blip, and never got her in a photo for a blip.  But she is in this happy photo of us from the early 1980s.  L-R - Jonathan,  Steven (me), granny, Julie and Laura.  We all loved coming here to visit and stay.  Both photos taken from almost the same spot at Gath, Sullom. 

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