Lines of Thought

This is the title of an exhibition entitled "Lines of Thought,  Drawings from Michelangelo to now"

Beautifully presented at Poole Museum (no entry fee), the exhibition of about 60 drawings, features many artists including Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Rubens, Seurat as well as modern artists such as Picasso, Briget Riley and Hockney.

My photograph shows a young man doing his own sketch from one of the exhibits.

His chosen drawing is by Andrea del Sarto (Italian, 1486 - 1530,
Studies of children. about 1520. Red chalk.

I have reproduced the actual drawing in Extra, (no copyright issues!) with an explanation of the drawing below

"In this animated chalk drawing del Sarto brainstorms different ideas for the pose of a naturalistic-looking youth.

The repeated pointing gesture suggests that it was intended as a model for the young John the Bapist, often identified by this action, indicating that he had recognised and borne witness to Christ.

Here del Sarto experiments with the different ways this gesture could be articulated whilst remaining recognisable."

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