
I'm bloody delighted with my new 'daily' camera. My trusty Samsung went missing around the time of the move and the DLSR is too bulky to carry around with me all the time, so I've been relying on my phone. And whilst there may be some truth in the old saw that your best camera is the one you have with you, that doesn't mean you can't do something to change which camera that is. Bottom line, the iPhone camera is good but not good enough.

This evening I was planning to do a self-portrait and I noticed in the Canon app that allows your phone to connect to the camera and download photos that there was also a remote function. I assumed that would be just to trigger the camera, so I had it mounted on a tripod with the screen flipped up so I could see the image before I took it.

Lo and behold, though; as soon as I went into the remote control part of the app, I could see the image there! This is amazing news for a shaky handed chap like me as it means I can position the camera and then do everything remotely.

I do appreciate, incidentally, that I don't look particularly delighted in the photo but, trust me, I was.

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