life begins at...

By Sej


Mr J & I are both feeling a little sad & excited too, as we closed the doors to our Edinburgh home for the final time today.

Touch wood if all goes to plan these keys will be in the hands of the new owners on Friday.

We bought Goschen House 5 years ago, and have enjoyed every moment of being there. We have shared this city & our home with family, friends & strangers alike.

From the Savjani's who were with us on the day we got the keys & helped us crack open the first bottle of champers through to Karen, Jess & Steve who helped us drink our last 5.

From Ella, Jason, Eva & Holly - our first official visitors - through to Anita, Pankaj, Shona & Ashley our last - and everyone in-between who visited us from Shanghai to San Fransisco, they have all given us precious memories to look back on.

Now we have to decide what NEXT?

Like Ferris, we could swap the monies from these keys for a Ferrari 250 GT Modena Spyder & enjoy the next chapter in our lives - I know Mr J would like that!

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