Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Well this morning, after a bit of socialising with my sis plus her stepson from Montana and his wife, I did go to Winchester's Open House, unlike yesterday.  This was taken in St John's House.  It's a building I've never been into in all the years I've lived here.  Although it has Medieval windows on the ground floor, it obviously had a first floor makeover in the Regency and has this enormous room tricked out in gallons of terracotta paint.  For this blip I purposely kept the figures distant to try and give you an idea of the scale of the place.

Performing are Hampshire Regency Dancers.  We all thought they were good and very elegant.  However, despite having worked on big re-enactment events (and therefore with no excuse not to know better and apologies to any of you who partake), I have to say, of all the dotty ways the English choose to spend their leisure, this has to be up there.

The extra was taken in the Mayor's official residence.  Another very elegant woman who was happy for me to snap her.  I thought she had a tinge of Vogue about her.

So that's me.  enjoy your Sunday evening  xx

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