A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Quality time

We kind of hoped that Carl would be able to do all of his work remotely this week but there was always a fair chance he'd be called back to London. And he has. He'll only be gone for about 48hours but he still got quite a send off. As he said, better than no-one minding. When he comes back on Friday we'll all be in Spain for 3 weeks. It makes the next couple of days easier that the kids are now old enough to understand that not being here for 2 days is a pretty good trade for what is to come.

And before he left we had a great morning food shopping at the market and a (Swedish inspired) tapas lunch in our favourite square.

Back home for more swims and a few more sorting jobs before an evening teaching the kids to play Bluff. Turns out we are all rubbish at it. Fun though.

And fab news from the sort of job interview - I got it! Had a cheeky glass of rosado in the sun but will look forward to some grown-ups coming for a real celebration.

Lesley x

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