Coos at da Croft Hoose

A windy day but packed full of sunshine and warm too.

It's meant to be my weekend off, but I've been roped into working all weekend in the Croft Hoose Museum.  It was a quiet morning, just a handful of visitors.  I had been expecting a busy morning with cruise liner passengers, but they couldn't dock due to wind etc.  It was a busier afternoon with visitors.  Finished work, rushed home forba shower, walk Sammy and then rush out the door again and off to work in the museum tonight.  Short staffed and needs must, hopefully not be a late night.

With the quiet morning at the Croft Hoose, I got to putter about the museum grounds, feed the ponies in the neighbouring field and then came over to the south and had a yarn with the cows.  Looking back to the Croft House Museum, with some of the friendly cows.  Taken at Sooth Voe, Boddam. 

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