Visit to Hospitalfields House Garden

Hospitalfields House Art Centre in Arbroah had a Garden Open Day today  -  brilliant sunshine thank goodness.  I found this strange fungus in the vegetable garden. The gardener didn't know the name, but he dug up from beneath it to reveal the roots. He said it was a fungus that grows from rotting wood, but had never seen it before and thanked me for drawing his attention to it.  I must say he has very clean hands for a gardener! The Arch is on the way out from the House and is actual Plywood sheets painted with glossy paint. When I first saw it I thought it was lit-up rocks!  I have very rarely seen white Fuschia. The one in the Gardens is very lovely and was actually the first thing I blipped. Took hundreds of blips  -  these have the best stories attached to them:)  Happy weekend to all!

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