Love is ... Sharing your chips ...

... when you really want them all for yourself!

I have definitely felt far more like my old self this week. It's as if I've had a good deal more processing power at my disposal, even if I'm still a bit short on memory! It's at these times, feeling more in control of my life, that I realise just how not myself I've been for long periods this last six months. I've had four full days in the office and, although feeling very weary at this moment, I've coped pretty well. I've still got energy to write up my journal, something that I've not actually been able to manage on many an evening.

It may be significant that each day this week I've found myself engaging with a radiant young woman for my Face By Face journal. I think it's a sign of growing confidence. When I'm not feeling so good it tends to be crusty old men! I've taken many more photographs on the street too. This one chose itself today. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but something seems to have 'clicked' inside!

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