AbstractThursday63 Fuchsia
This week's theme has been for me quite a challenging on one in that we have been asked by our good host Youoregon1 to use either long exposure or panning, or both. This means actually using one's camera on something other than auto and not just relying on post shoot editing...
Well I've had a go and used both options - sort of! The shutter speed is slow and I did a kind of panning but moved the camera downwards rather than across. I did some editing in PS afterwards because I simply can't resist just to tweak the resulting image a little. It started out as one of our fuchsia bushes nodding gently in the breeze early this evening.
Today is the first time I've posted since Saturday: a very long gap for me but with no particular or sinister reason. I've taken no shots on a couple of days simply through being busy, although I might backblip a couple of the others. My apologies for being so lax in commenting on journals too. I'm hoping a more normal service will be resumed in the coming week
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