
We had a busy day. Up early to collect a van from Kirkby Motors and then a road trip south to Ikea, dropping the miniMinx home on the way. Dan was working at the music shop, today, so it was just me and Abi, with the Minx guarding the fort (and waiting for a bed to be delivered).

Abi's the perfect companion for a road trip and she was a hoot to take 'round Ikea, too. We got the things we wanted - a couple of desks and chairs - plus the usual bag full of things the we hadn't been aware that we couldn't live without. And then we headed home...

... Where we unloaded the van and then refilled it with stuff for the tip, which was our next trip, this time into Kendal. 

By the time we got home, the big girls had arrived home from a week's holiday with their mum in Scotland and we had a big, old family tea.

And then we relaxed. A little later I went out onto the deck. It was raining pretty hard all evening but it was mild all the same and I enjoyed standing outside, listening the sound of the rainfall.

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