Crofts at Levenwick

A breezy day, fairly dull and overcast and a threat of mist on the hills, but mostly dry :)

Back to work after the weekend, and been working on the museum desk all day.  The morning was busy but died off after lunch.  Although there was setup to do for an event this evening.  I missed a pod of orcas passing the museum this morning, I went for a run at lunchtime but missed them.  Been down to see granny this evening, she was very chatty and good fun.  On my way back, popped along friend Shannon in Sandwick and now off to work in the pub.

Good to have a car again and being able to get along granny at the care centre.  Having missed the orcas, I had to grab a quick snap this evening, and just up the road from the care centre is this lovely bunch of peerie croft houses and outbuildings.  Taken at Levenwick. 

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