Back to life

An early start to get to the ferry on time...sad to say bye to beautiful Mallorca... We arrived home to 37 degrees and incredible's felt suffocating all day!
Had a call from my friend saying she's been really ill since Friday so could we do shopping and look after her son...poor thing sounded awful. Our week has now changed shape to accommodate Rudy! Asha will be delighted!
Had an evening wander with Danny and Asha, bumped into Tchani on the way back - so good to catch up on his news!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Finding the ferry home easily...we weren't too sure where we were going, but the whole journey was really smooth.
2) Seeing Tchani!!!
3) A delicious tomato sauce made from the last of the beef tomatoes from Biel...a last taste of our holiday!

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