DN1 !

Its been a day of Daughters.

Mr W's Daughter Number 2 stayed last night and joked that she only wants to stay for a year......! But she did sleep well last night and feels better today. She relayed the disaster that was supposed to be a companion job but seemed to end up being a full time carer job...as in 24 hour care....and abroad. She's had a terrible week. Shes back again tomorrow for a while.

Then Mr W and I did a spot of shopping and it seems I put my back into spasm again just lifting a shopping bag out the boot. So I gave in to the osteopath. I have an appointment tomorrow.

Daughter Number 1 then popped in for dinner. We should have been working together today but both got cancelled. Seems we can't go a week without  a good old catch up. She met her Ex's new girlfriend at the weekend and feels quite relieved he's moved on at last. Emily was busy checking her phone for messages from her new boyfriend, waiting for news on progress of his ex  girlfriend moving out of his place - at last!

And Mr W cleaned out the pond pump this evening and managed to splash algae on the sitting room carpet.....don't ask!!!!

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