Two Universes

When we travel south to J's Mum's we enter two parallel universes:

* J's Mum and her flat - lots of problems, all of which seem generally intractable. It is difficult not to feel very sad, especially when there is nothing we can do to make things better (only a new body and new eyes would do that). But at least those carpet moths have had another hammering !
* The surrounding area, which on a weekend like this has looked spectacularly attractive. Behind Christchurch lies the New Forest, the heather all in flower, lots of ponies feeding by the roadsides, and a wealth of woodland and heathland. And the coast a holiday spectacular, but in a very attractive way. Last night after we left J's Mum's we went to Avon beach and walked to Mudeford - what a starry night, simply breathtaking. Talking to a fisherman, he told us he was looking for sea bass, lots of horse mackerel (to bony to eat) and eels.

It can sometimes feel surreal.

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