Fun & Laughter

Our dear friends J & S came over for a Bbq. Kicking off early afternoon with chat, nibbles and drink. Followed by a game of boule, more drink and bbq. More chat and laughter. Then the cheese came out. Finished off with coffee and macaroons. The table was then cleared for a marathon of board games. Two teams the adults v the kids (even though the 'kids' are now adults!!). Typical bank holiday, the weather was a touch cooler than it had been of late with a few lights showers during the day. We lasted outside until about 8pm (last night after the theatre, I sat in the garden at 10.30 it was so hot!!) before we headed inside where J&S youngest son arrived (to drive them home) and joined us for a game of spot the intro. A lovely day had by all.

(Only photo taken and I asked them to say 'blipppp' ).

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