Up, up and away...

A morning of clearing up from the day before and bathing Ruby.

In the afternoon Mr C, Lucy, Rebecca, Ruby and I went off to Farnham, a very pretty market town, to do another treasure trail. Now, you may think I'm a little obsessed with these as we only did one with mum and dad a few weeks ago. But I'm not.. Honest! This is one that Rebecca bought for me last Christmas and we have been saying 'we must do that trail' and as Lucy was home we thought it would be a good time. Sim was working and Josh made up some excuse not to go. A little like Cluedo, you have weapons and people you have to eliminate to find your suspect, but Rebecca had this one personalised so all the photos were of the family, animals and extended family. Not looking through the booklet before we left (and Rebecca forgetting about certain details as she bought it a while ago), we realised half way round that you have to enter the castle and castle museum (free) to find clues and of course it was closed when we got there. However, you are allowed three texts to get answers and we used to help us. Despite that, this was probably one of the most enjoyable ones we have done so far. And of course, unlike yesterday, the weather was lovely. We finished our day with supper at a Loch Fyne restaurant. Just fab!

Oh, and the blip!.... After the castle we walked to Farnham Park for a clue and then continued through the park to exit at the other end. and that is where we saw this hot air balloon getting ready to take people off on an experience of a lifetime. We sat/stood and watched until they took off. Brilliant!

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