A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Flippin' Marvellous

Day one of our long, long holiday in the sun has gotten off to a marvellous start. Despite it being a day of jobs and sorting as we shop to fill the fridge, dust and mop the house that hasn't been lived in for a while, sort out the pool, fit gas bottles, turn on boilers, fill water tanks and generally get things set up. But when it is pretty much all you have to do and you get to do it in the sunshine and there is the great incentive of it being the place of your holiday then it's no great shakes. I even dead-headed the plants quite happily.

Tiny tiny blottish on the sunny horizon is keeping in mind that I have a sort of job interview tomorrow afternoon. It takes the form of running a virtual webinar session so today I tested the broadband capability with a lovely friend back home (thank you!) and joyously found that it should all work from halfway up a mountain and I don't need to spend the morning finding a hotel with a spare meeting room (they are a little few and far between in this part of Spain).

But in 24hours that will be far behind me and three weeks of pure holiday will be before me...and that is, flippin' marvellous. And to mark that here's a SP from the terrace with J performing an (apparently) level 3 degree of difficulty flip into the pool.

Lesley x

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