There's no place like home.....

....especially on a Friday night after a busy week!

I pondered long and hard last night on what I could do for Film Star Friday. I had to fit it in before heading off to work so it couldn't be too involved. All I came up with was The Wizard of Oz. The sun was on the front of the house so I donned my Dorothy shoes, rolled up my trousers and balanced the camera on the yellow brick road. 

It was a busy day and a hot sticky afternoon so it was too tempting when the ice cream van rolled up outside at teatime. Ashleigh was also tempted and when she offered the ice cream man a cuppa he gave her a free 99! Quick thinking was needed...."Ashleigh, bring this nice man an orange club to go with his tea!" One free 99 for me too! he he he.

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