
....I don't like this! I drove the lorry today as I wanted the challenge of backing it into the tight parking spot at the session he he he. Michelle had a sit in it tonight, she did not like the bouncy seat! I'm getting used to it a bit more now.

"You haven't done anything strenuous today have you?"
You aren't going on to do anything strenuous?"
"No........well not tonight......."
"Tomorrow should be okay, what is it you are doing?"
"Well, I'm jumping out of an aeroplane in the morning!"

Hazardous activities are not recommended within 24hours so I told him it wasn't wise for him to donate, his reply....."Actually I'm quite relieved as Im more nervous about that needle than jumping out of a plane!"

It is Film Star Friday tomorrow. Just tag it FSF16.
For the first time since we started this I have no idea what to do tomorrow....I shall have to get my thinking cap on. 

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