Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

What a day!

Working from home today - managed to catch up on quite a bit.

Hubby had a call mid-morning to say pa-in-law had fallen out of bed, they will keep him posted.

My sister had to go back to hospital after her visit in Monday, so hubby took her there and I arranged to collect when she was ready.

Hubby had a call from pa-in-laws home, they had called the Rapid Response team out, and wanted him to go to hospital to be checked over.

My sister called to say they were keeping her in hospital .......

Telephoned my mums home - just to check she was ok ! :). She's fine.

Visit to the hospital to see pa-in-law (not the same hospital as my sister), still in A&E on a drip but said he was ok - X-ray and blood tests carried out. Seen by the doctor and transferred to a ward - then told he could go home. He was happy to be back home, but hungry.

Finally home by 8:30pm ........ exhausted.

Visit to my sister on the cards for tomorrow.


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