Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


Regular Tuesday morning, which ends with me going to the supermarket and coming home with a skinny, sugar-free caramel latte. Emptying the car of my shopping, I end up spilling ALL the latte in the boot of my car!! Cleaned this up, muttering under my breath - wouldn't mind but this was my free one with my points!

Relaxing lunch, then off to the vets with our daughters two dogs for their worming/passport session. Lili didn't like that the other two were going out and she wasn't. Home again, and after checking the flight arrangements found that our daughters flight was an hour delayed - got to gatwick for 7:30, they landed just after 8, waited for luggage and car parking sorted and home just before 10pm. Hubby had cooked tea - not a good time to eat a meal ......

Nice to have them home :)


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