Where Does The Time Go?

Wow, it hardly seems like 5 minutes ago I was racking my brains trying to think what to do for my 365. Now suddenly 400 is upon me. I'd decided that a blue and a purple CD would make great '0's. But how to represent a '4'?
I couldn't resort to binary again!
Then an anti-static bag and a pair of scissors came to my rescue! So it's another computing themed, arty-farty blip.
I don't think we get a balloon/blipday for 400 but even so I wanted to mark the occasion.
At least I have another hundred days until the big 500, so plenty of thinking time!

It's just now been an emotional time for me watching the GB showjumping team collect an Olympic gold, our first for 60 years. Especially so for Nick Skelton, my favourite showjumper since I first saw him on the wonderful St. James way back in the dim and distant past when he was still in the GB Juniors team and I was a little over 20 years old! He's been brilliant over the years and so nearly had his jumping career ended by a broken neck in 2002. In fact he was told he'd never be able to ride again. But he recovered and came back with a vengeance. Now he has his just reward. I have to confess there are one or two tears from me right now, and I think I may have to crack open a bottle of wine tonight in celebration!
There's still the Individual title to be decided on Wednesday - and of course the Team dressage final tomorrow (which GB are currently leading) and the small matter of the Individual dressage on Thursday .... am I glad I booked this week off work or what!

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