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The school librarian came to my classroom after school and revealed that her full time job is probably going to be cut in half and combined with office administration tasks to make one full time job. The admin is currently a full time job. The librarian and the office woman can fight it out to see who gets the new position. This situation is being brought about by the advance of technology, in particular google apps. I'm not convinced an app will be as warm and friendly or as enthusiastic about books and reading as our Mrs M. She has turned a lot of reluctant boys onto reading by finding that quirky author and series of books that can hook them in.
Pondering this I went to our city library to get a blip only to find it was closed for a revamp. It has relocated for about the next 18 months. So you get to see the outside of it. The extra is a small kowhai bud. The first I have seen.
I've been a little slack with my comments and will try to do better.
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