
In the potting shed with the door, vents and window open. Fortunately, there are no plants in there to cook at the moment.
A trip into town at lunchtime for hair appointments and some odds and ends of shopping. There were so many people about, mostly relaxing and enjoying the sunshine.
Late dinner as B & R didn’t arrive home until about 7.45. Quick clothes fitting session by R so that I know what alterations are required, then I did a patches preparation session for a repair job that I’m doing tomorrow.
R is doing some more work before she heads into college at 11.30pm. It’s the GCSE results on Thursday, so the downloads start after midnight. This time she isn’t coming back for a couple of hours of sleep, as she did last week. That ended up with a disturbed night for everyone.
It’s so hot so fingers crossed that we will be cool enough to sleep.

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