Look of Innocence

What?  Me? As if.  Simba's look protests his innocence, but the evidence is there at his feet!  I'd spotted him dashing around the garden and wondered what he was up to.  He was chasing this poor little vole, catching it and tossing it in the air like a toy.  

If the vole had stayed still, he'd have been okay as it's the movement cats like.  However, he made a dash for the bushes and that was its undoing, as Simba caught it and ran under a tree with it and it was never seen again.  I don't know if it escaped or became a snack for my disgraced cat.  

A fun morning in the company of three young hunky plasterers:-)  They have made a good start on the work required, but will not be able to return until Monday to continue, so that gives it plenty of time for the first coat to dry out.  I didn't mention the last minute panic we'd had yesterday evening when I discovered the hall covering was woodchip after all:-)

An early night for us tonight, I think!

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