Boats in da Mist

A fine calm day, but that mist has been around.  It was fairly clear in Scalloway and starting to lift in Cunningsburgh this evening.  

I've been working on the museum desk all day.  A steady morning and plenty to get on with, but it was much quieter in the afternoon.  Met up with mam and Brian at lunchtime, lunch followed by a walk.  After a snooze on the sofa this evening, I popped down to Cunningsburgh to mam's.  My niece Megan is home from Glasgow for a holiday and great to see her.  Off to work in the pub tonight. 

Me and Sammy stopped off for a break when we arrived in Cunningsburgh.  The boats moored in the voe were looking great amongst the mist, and very eerie with the silence around me.  Taken at Aithsvoe, Cunningsburgh.

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