Goodbye Megan

It was still steekit mist this morning, but it soon burned off and even some sunny spells.  The mist had returned this evening, even a light shower too. 

I've had a day in the office, mixed with some technical issues on the museum desk too.  It was fairly busy in the museum, a cruise liner in Lerwick today.  Met up with mam and Brian again today for lunch.  This time we went to the Cornerstone in Scalloway.  This afternoon I had some museum deliveries to an old work colleague Thelma, also got a sneaky cuppa and catchup with her too.  Been out with mam and nieces this evening, and been along friends for eight o'clocks.  Off to work in the pub later. 

Me, mam, Eve and Elise headed out to meet Megan at the ferry terminal.  Niece Megan os heading back to Glasgow tonight and get ready for her new apprenticeship starting soon.  Sammy came too but was more interested in the other dogs heading on the ferry.  Good luck Megan, and will miss you!  You can spy her waving back to us through the first window, as she heads to the Northlink ferry.  Taken at Holmsgarth, Lerwick. 

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