More organising...

...and clearing!

Started clearing dining room table of stuff I'd been clearing from other places.

Then I popped out to attend a meeting.

Came home and started on room 101 aka the utility room. It's general state is disaster hence why I call it room 101. Then organised the shed as things had been kinda thrown in there the other night when we had to go to the hospital with Mr R and his axe attacked thumb. Then moved on to the kitchen and cleared through almost every cupboard. One to finish off tomorrow night hopefully after work...

Dinner was from the local the Chinese Carry Out as stopping and clearing space to cook wasn't an option!

Finally sorted through the laundry and got my bags ready for the return to work tomorrow.

Grateful for the time off I've had and the adventures I've had with Mr R and the barmy army. Think we managed a good mix of fun and house tidying.

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