Hardwick Old Hall

Today I had to take my leave of Yorkshire and drive Mum back home. We've had a wonderful time, catching up with family and enjoying the beautiful Yorkshire coastline. 

Always wanting to make the most of each day, we stopped en route at Hardwick Hall, a National Trust property. A beautiful building with walls festooned in elaborate tapestries but, for me, the best part of the visit was to the neighbouring ruined Old Hall. Chatting to the guy in the entrance, he realised how much I enjoyed photography and offered to allow me access to 'the leads' near the top of the tower to take photos across the countryside - that was a real treat, as few people get the opportunity to go out there!  

A long day, as the hour or two we intended to stop there turned into 4 1/2 hours!

I hope you've had a great weekend, too! Many thanks for all the wonderful comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's blip - I'm so pleased you liked it!

Ann :))

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