An enforced rest...
... in the walkies, so that the man in charge could roll his next cigarette.
I couldn't help thinking 'would Mummy approve?'
It seems a while since I last did a 'dogs and their humans' blip.
I had little time again today, largely because I was trying to upload holiday images to Lightroom CC, whilst dealing with error messages from Adobe, telling me that my service will stop working tomorrow if I don't pay the monthly subscriptions which they have, in their wisdom, stopped requesting from my PayPal account.
If you have ever tried communicating with this company, you will know that they only take telephone calls if you are buying a product, anything else has to be an elaborate exchange of online chats with someone who can't really do anything to help. I have found a phone number at long last but the operators don't work weekends - so tomorrow Adobe will hear my voice!
Rather a wasted day as a result of something which is entirely their fault.
Sorry for the rant.
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