Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Well, it seems it was the coleslaw that upset my already dodgy stomach - who would think it? I'm fine today. Well, fine, as in just a slightly dodgy stomach.

Kerri and Luke took Archie out for the morning, and when they came back, JR lured me away from the Olympic coverage (after catching up on the overnight excitement) to go to our favourite riverside pub, and give Archie another whirl in the back seat. No sickness! Though he looks miserable the whole time, but he knows it's always worth it in the end.

It was warm and sunny as we followed the river walk round to the big grassy area, with Archie was running back and forth between us enthusiastically. Until he got too tired.

I used one stick, this being six weeks post op. I managed fine, though I did have a sit down half way, and was fair puggled by the time I reached the pub. So I rewarded myself with a beer. Which, on reflection, maybe wasn't the best choice...

Back home and I caught the mountain biking (yikes!) handball (manic) volleyball (even more manic). Now it's finished. I've so enjoyed the whole thing. The TV coverage was brilliant. The city looked magnificent. Rio pulled it off.

(Archie is in the photo, though he was too busy looking at a nearby tissue to pose for the far off camera.)

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