Reaching new heights!

WAs going to park up in the Crinan basin car park & walk up the canal side until I saw these bar stewards in charge of Scottish canals are now charging £2 to park there! Feck me! no way I'm paying them creeps two quid. 50 p or £1 I might have considered but two bloody quid is daylight robbery. They say it's so they can improve the canal. Well theres been boards at the Ardrishaig basin for over a year now so you can walk over the puddles, what's wrong with getting a damn spade and digging a drainage channels instead they chuck boards on it. There are also bits of path they have now tarred!! try riding your bike on that on the winter ice or even walking on it, what stupid desk chomper thought that one up! Why are there not rubbish bins on the canal, there's dog crap ones but not ones for human crap like empty Iron Bru bottles & crisp packets and fag packets & other unmentionable items! They have let the Canal Managers old house go to rack & ruin instead of selling it off , its now a derelict mess! whereas it could have been sold ! They talk about the Crinan corridor and now someone has employed artists to paint  spots on the empty oil tanks in the old Gleaner yard!
Forth & Clyde get the Kelpies, we get spots on a an old oil tank! In Ireland and in most of the world the locks are automated, here you have to take a year's supply of steroids to get the strength to crank the bloody things open! I've seen grown men reduced to blubbering idiots cause their dainty wives can't crank !!!
The wee cafe in the canal basin will have to add another quid onto the price of their frothy coffee to make up for the loss of customers and already folks are parking up the side of the very narrow over used already busy road.
I'm away to lie down in a darkened room now!

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