
We discovered something today.


The only remedy is a trip to the beach, and a chip supper, a peaceful bedtime, and the rest of the evening spent working on my latest painting :D

Ben and I killed ants this morning. I'm never sure whether to feel bad about killing ants or not. I feel bad that I used boiling water but that's got to be better than a slow death by poison. Possibly. I suspect ants will take over the world one day. Or that our houses will one day go CRUMP as the ant nests underneath finally give way. Anyway after I poured a kettle full of boiling water down, Ben poured several wateringcans full of cold water and mud over them. "MORE WATER MAMA!" That was a happy interlude.

We watched far more television than is good for us, all olympics, but too much nonetheless, and then we had our own medal ceremony which Ben was so not into but played along with a little bribery especially as his medal was made of chocolate.

And then we went out to the sandy beach playpark for a bit, for a climb and a toddle and a play with the sand. Charley entertained everyone with his walking holding onto Steve. Ben made people laugh when he shouted for me to come onto his boat so he could kill me!! I'm not sure what he was thinking of, I'd dearly love to know. We saw a beautiful rainbow out to sea, and some stunningly beautiful clouds around the sun as it sank lower in the sky.

Picked up our fish and chips on the way home, ate, put two filthy sandy boys to bed with the promise that we'd bath them tomorrow, and worked into the wee small hours! Steve on a presentation for church and me on my latest painting, happily adding detail and revelling in the colours. I'm loving the latest piece. But we did go to bed a bit too late really.....

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