Our final day

It was tipping it down with rain this morning! Not great for our last day of the holiday. We had a proper lazy morning in the cottage, playing games, doing some colouring and putting together one of the craft kits I had brought along for just such a rainy occasion.

We went to Pizza Hut for lunch (mr j's choice) and then we went to the swimming pool in Llandudlo. We had a really good time and P was keen to show off all that she has been learning in her swimming lessons. A liked to jump in off the side over and over again and has nearly mastered the 'cannonball'! He also swam a little way with a noodle and no one holding on to him. I was well impressed!

After swimming we went for a walk along the sea front as the rain had stopped and the glorious sunshine had returned. We had ice creams on the pier and messed about on the beach.

A lovely end to a super fandabydosie week! And what's more the cottage has a washing machine so all my washing is done and I'm taking back a suitcase of clean clothes! Yay.

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