A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


It wasn't intentional but after Carlos and I headed in to town to sort a vet appointment for tomorrow and collect some other odds and sods more quickly than expected we managed to sneak in a cheeky little tapas lunch which was very lovely.

Prior to that there had of course been more of GamesFest2016 with games of Military Rummy for first A and J and then for us all.

Later there was a pool outing with volleyball, diving and jumping and some Sunshine. And a ridiculous discussion about how we never get the chance to parent properly because our children point blank refuse the blindly obey option. Tsk.

Later still there was a trip to the Oriental Bazaar for emoji cushion purchasing. Home for games of German Whist and Exploding Kittens before an excellent pork chop and corn on the cob BBQ. The kids also played some Boggle so I think we are doing pretty well on the play all the games in the house quest.

It is also worth a mention that there was a roughly 45min period where I lay on the sofa wearing noise cancelling headphones, watching a programme and generally obliterating the world. It wasn't 100% successful as I still somehow ended up being the timer for the Boggle game but in balance I did get brought a drink and the merest sense of no responsibility, shutting the world outness of being a kid was quite unbelievably worthwhile. I kind of felt like I'd been at a spa.

Lesley x

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