Come into the garden Maud

Stayed up,late watching the tennis last night....what a fantastic match, well done Andy!!! I did feel a little for Del Pottro though.

A decent nights sleep, up tombright blue skies and yes, sunshine!!!!! I got myself ready and went off to meet sis at Bents for a browse and lunch, by ourselves, for a change :-)

We didn't buy a lot, I bought a ruby grapefruit, a sweet potatoe and a bar of sea salt caramel dark chocolate, which is hubs favourite. Sis got a bargain, some Fitflops with 30% off, bargain!! She's lucky as she has tiddy feet, size 3s, which always seem to be left come the end of the season.

When I got home I went into the little bag to give hub his chocolate, and guess what, not there!!! It seems they still,have it on the till, hey pack,the bag, but obviously didn't put it in! Got to call back and pick it up!

Spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in the garden, watering, deadheading, trimmed back one of the honeysuckles...can't do anymore now until the garden waste bin is emptied.....we've filled next doors too, since they are away ;-)

Tandoori chicken breast and salad for dinner this evening.

Today's blip is the view of our garden as you enter down the side path. I did take my camera out when I met sis, and called at Pennington Flash on my way home. It was sooo busy, there wasn't a single parking bay free, so I drove in and drove straight out again!!! Hence its our garden in the evening light.

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