
Cow parsely is one of my favourite plants as it looks good all year around.  The delicate blossoms form white clouds along the verges  in the summer and in winter their strong sculptural form looks especially beautiful after a frost or in the snow.  I am never sure why they are called Cow parsely - presumably cows like to eat them?  Or they are found in the kinds of places cows graze?

In quite stark contrast to this image, I spent most of my day in London on a training course.  It was an early start but one which gave me a wonderful experience of a perfect summer's morning.  The cool morning air, the grass glistening with dew in the sun and peacefulness.  I remember the exctiment of these kinds of mornings from a very young age and knew even then how special they were.  The training course was good too - I wasn't sure at first but as is often the case, being out of my usual surroundings with new people, I found it really informative and creative so I have come back with lots of ideas of things I can do.  I managed a quick walk to my allotment after dinner to water my seedings and check the courgettes hadn't put on a growth spurt during the day (they hadn't so just four in the fridge at the moment but there are some that will be ready tomorrow!).

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